Category: Membership

  • Editorial Continued: Best of Breed

    The Art of Curating the Perfect Gathering. At The Group, our commitment to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and authentic connection extends deeply into our vetting process, particularly during our “Just For Dinner,” “Jackets Required,” and “Stiletto Social” gatherings. These one-night dinners and parties are not just about enjoying a meal or a night […]

  • Understanding the Subtle Differences Between The Resort Membership Tiers

    At The Resort, we offer a variety of membership tiers to suit the diverse needs and preferences of our guests. Each membership level is carefully designed to provide a unique blend of privileges and services, ensuring that every member enjoys their time at the resort to the fullest. Whether you’re a frequent visitor or seeking […]

  • Editorial: The Velvet Rope Divides

    The Essence of Equality in Hospitality. In the ever-evolving world of luxury hospitality and exclusive gatherings, one might assume that higher financial commitment naturally warrants a superior experience. However, at The Group, we operate on a different set of values that transcend mere economic status. When we gather for a dinner, a party, a weekend […]

  • Unlocking the Path to Membership

    At The Group, exclusivity and discretion are the hallmarks of our community. We are a private collective of like-minded professionals who value privacy, quality, and meaningful connections. For those who aspire to join The Group, there’s a unique path to membership that begins with our one-night events: Just For Dinner, Jackets Required, and Stiletto Social. […]

  • The Group App – Version 1.30

    We are excited to announce the release of Version 1.30 of The Group’s app, which now features an enhanced messaging experience with push notifications. This update is designed to help our members stay connected and respond to messages more promptly, ensuring smoother communication within our exclusive community. What Are Push Notifications? Push notifications are real-time […]

  • The Group’s Weekend Events: Is the Price Worth the Hype?

    Another guest blog by Nicolas, a Full Member of The Group. After I wrote my first blog for the group on why you shouldn’t judge the group by your Just for Dinner experience, I got the bug to do a bit more writing about some other aspects of Group membership that I think will help […]

  • Beyond Membership: Investing in The Group’s Exclusive Equity Tier

    The Group is thrilled to announce the launch of a new and exclusive tier of membership: the “Equity Members.” This premier category is designed for those who see unparalleled value in going beyond the extraordinary social connections fostered by The Group and who desire to deepen their involvement by investing in one of The Group’s […]

  • Introducing Version 1.17 of The Group’s Private App: Elevating the Member Experience in Space

    In the ever-evolving landscape of digital platforms, The Group remains committed to providing its members with cutting-edge technology and seamless user experiences. On Monday, February 5th, we unveiled Version 1.17 of The Group’s private app for Apple iOS, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance connectivity and convenience for our members. One […]

  • Unveiling Just For Dinner: A Prelude to The Group’s Exclusive Experiences

    In the sophisticated realm of The Group, connections are forged with intention and purpose. Just For Dinner, a unique offering stands as a testament to this philosophy. Contrary to common misconception, it is not a traditional Group event but rather an exclusive opportunity for professional singles, couples, and throuples in the lifestyle to come together. […]

  • The Art of Connection: The Intricate Vetting Process at The Group

    In the exclusive world of The Group, a connection is not merely a chance encounter but a carefully curated experience. The vetting process, a sophisticated journey that begins with an invitation request and culminates in the coveted Full Membership status, reflects the commitment to creating a community of like-minded individuals. Join us as we unravel […]