Editorial: The Velvet Rope Divides
  • August 28, 2024
  • The Group
  • Media

Editorial: The Velvet Rope Divides

The Essence of Equality in Hospitality.

In the ever-evolving world of luxury hospitality and exclusive gatherings, one might assume that higher financial commitment naturally warrants a superior experience. However, at The Group, we operate on a different set of values that transcend mere economic status. When we gather for a dinner, a party, a weekend event, or at our resort, we firmly believe that every guest should receive the same high level of service. No guest should be set apart by a different itinerary, meal plan, gated area, or velvet rope partition—whether real or perceived.

Us versus Them.

This approach starkly contrasts the practices of some event organizers and other lifestyle resorts that segment their guests based on financial clout. These establishments may offer tiered services, where those who spend more are given preferential treatment, access to exclusive areas, or even physical barriers to shield them from others. While it is reasonable that individuals with higher incomes choose accommodations and experiences that align with their comfort and preferences, deliberate segregation or enhanced VIP treatment only creates an unnecessary divide within the gathering.

No one wants to spend their weekend with a jerk.

At The Group, we recognize the distinction between cash and class. Wealth does not equate to character, sophistication, or the ability to contribute meaningfully to a shared experience. This belief is foundational to our ethos and led to the establishment of our “Just For Dinner,” “Jackets Required,” and “Stiletto Social” gatherings. These dinners are more than just social events; they are a crucial part of our vetting process. Before a couple, throuple, or single woman is invited to one of our more intimate, extended experiences; they must first demonstrate their ability to contribute to an atmosphere of mutual respect, camaraderie, and genuine connection.

Why do we do this?

Because we believe that real-world connections—the ultimate goal of The Group—are fostered in environments where everyone is treated with equal regard, irrespective of their bank balance. When organizers or resorts introduce an “us versus them” mentality by creating segments within an event or venue, it breeds division. It undermines the spirit of community that we so dearly value.

At The Group, we commit to ensuring that every guest feels valued, respected, and integral to the collective experience. We strive to create an environment where the barriers of class and status dissolve, leaving space for authentic connections to flourish. This is not just a principle we hold; it is the very foundation upon which The Group was built.

As we continue to curate exclusive, intimate experiences for our members, we remain steadfast in our dedication to equality in service. By doing so, we honor the true essence of hospitality—welcoming all, serving all, and connecting all without economic distinction.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Warmest Regards,


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