Category: Jackets Required

  • Editorial Continued: Best of Breed

    The Art of Curating the Perfect Gathering. At The Group, our commitment to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and authentic connection extends deeply into our vetting process, particularly during our “Just For Dinner,” “Jackets Required,” and “Stiletto Social” gatherings. These one-night dinners and parties are not just about enjoying a meal or a night […]

  • Editorial: The Velvet Rope Divides

    The Essence of Equality in Hospitality. In the ever-evolving world of luxury hospitality and exclusive gatherings, one might assume that higher financial commitment naturally warrants a superior experience. However, at The Group, we operate on a different set of values that transcend mere economic status. When we gather for a dinner, a party, a weekend […]

  • Unlocking the Path to Membership

    At The Group, exclusivity and discretion are the hallmarks of our community. We are a private collective of like-minded professionals who value privacy, quality, and meaningful connections. For those who aspire to join The Group, there’s a unique path to membership that begins with our one-night events: Just For Dinner, Jackets Required, and Stiletto Social. […]

  • Jackets Required in Charleston!

    We are thrilled to announce that The Group will host an exclusive Jackets Required party in Charleston, South Carolina, on Friday, September 20, 2024. This elegant event promises to be an evening of sophistication and style, tailored for select couples, throuples, and single women under 40. A Tradition of Elegance: The History of Jackets-Required The […]

  • Introducing “Jackets Required”: The Group’s Exclusive Affair for Professionals 40 and Under

    MIAMI, FLORIDA — The Group, a renowned name in the upscale open relationship community, is thrilled to announce the launch of Jackets Required Parties. Tailored for professionals aged 40 and under, this exciting addition to The Group’s repertoire serves as a seamless complement to Just For Dinner and a gateway into The Group’s world of […]