• October 19, 2024
  • The Group
  • Media

Why Cash ≠ Class & What to Expect at The Group’s Events

At The Group, we pride ourselves on providing an environment beyond luxury and exclusivity. It’s not just about the high-end venues, exceptional entertainment, or the privacy and discretion our members enjoy—it’s also about the character and behavior of those who join us. We’ve learned over the years that cash does not equal class.

While some might believe that paying for an event guarantees access to an elite experience, The Group is built on far more than financial transactions. We seek to create a community where members understand that their behavior, respect for others, and alignment with our values truly elevate our gatherings.

The Purpose of Just For Dinner

To ensure the integrity of our community, we introduced Just For Dinner nearly a decade ago as an initial gateway for potential members. These intimate, one-night gatherings allow us to meet new guests in a relaxed and refined environment. They also serve as an essential vetting tool. To understand the process more deeply, read our full post on Just For Dinner.   More recently, we have expanded our gateway events to include Jackets Required for those under forty and Stiletto Social, a play party exclusively for women, regardless of orientation or relationship status.

By inviting potential members to these smaller, curated evenings, we can assess whether they are a good social fit before extending invitations to our larger, more immersive weekend events. We take the time to understand not just whether someone enjoys luxury but whether they embody the discretion, respect, and sense of camaraderie that are the core values of The Group.

Expectations at Group Events

There are clear expectations for behavior when attending any of The Group’s soirees, whether it’s an intimate dinner, a private party, or a lavish weekend getaway. These are not just unwritten social rules but the pillars that ensure everyone has a positive, comfortable, and safe experience.

What we expect:

  • Discretion: Members are expected to honor the privacy of others at all times. This includes avoiding disclosing personal details about other members, their preferences, or their involvement with The Group to outsiders.
  • Respect for Consent: Consent is paramount, whether it’s a hug or more intimate encounters. As our membership spans different generations, it’s important to remember that standards for consent have evolved. Today’s emphasis on enthusiastic, ongoing consent is a baseline expectation.
  • Social Compatibility: Our events are designed to bring together individuals who share similar values and can engage with each other in meaningful and respectful ways. The aim is to foster genuine connections, not transactional or promotional interactions.
  • Class and Behavior: Simply put, members are expected to comport themselves with class. This means avoiding behavior that draws undue attention, creates discomfort for others, or fails to align with the tone of the event.

When Someone Isn’t Acting Appropriately

Unfortunately, as our community has grown, we have encountered occasions where individuals haven’t met the standards we hold dear. When this happens, we take swift and discreet action to preserve the overall harmony of our events.

Over the years, we’ve addressed a variety of issues. Here are just a few examples of behavior that has led to individuals being removed from The Group:

  • Inappropriate Conduct: Whether it’s public indecency, being indiscreet when discussing lifestyle-related activities in public settings, crossing boundaries with other members, or inappropriate physical advances without consent, these behaviors are never tolerated. We’ve had instances where individuals have overstepped, and they were subsequently removed to protect the integrity of The Group.
  • Breach of Confidentiality: Sharing confidential information about fellow members outside The Group is a severe violation. On one occasion, a couple shared private details about another couple’s attendance with a third party, which led to their removal from our community.
  • Solicitation and Promotion: Our events are about connection, not promotion. When a couple began promoting another venue and soliciting our staff for unrelated services, it became clear they were not a fit for The Group.

While these examples may seem extreme, they illustrate the breadth of behaviors we address in order to maintain the highest standards of trust and mutual respect. We have removed individuals when necessary, but we have also worked diligently behind the scenes to address more minor concerns before they become more significant issues.

A Safe, Classy Environment

At The Group, we want to reassure every Prospective and Provisional Member that we uphold clear expectations and standards of behavior. We are committed to providing a safe, classy environment where members can enjoy themselves in the company of others who share their values. You can trust that when you attend an event with The Group, you will be surrounded by people who appreciate luxury, discretion, and respect just as much as you do.

As we continue to grow, we are implementing additional measures further to protect the privacy and experience of our members. Our upcoming Membership Agreement, which includes a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), will formalize these expectations and ensure that all interactions within The Group continue to align with our guiding principles.

In conclusion, The Group isn’t just about attending an event—it’s about belonging to a community of like-minded individuals who value trust, respect, and discretion. And, as we often say: “Those who belong here, find their way.”

We look forward to welcoming you into this carefully curated community and ensuring you have unforgettable experiences in a place where behavior, not money, defines class.

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