July 3, 2024 - July 7, 2024

The Secret Ball


Your mission parameters, if you have the audacity to embrace them, involve a clandestine penetration of The Secret Ball, a summit shrouded in enigma set to unfold once again in the heart of New York City during the weekend of July 4th.

This illustrious, black-tie affair serves as the nexus for underworld magnates, international malefactors, and women wielding treacherous desires coupled with the skills to procure whatever they seek. Time is of the essence, and your team must be meticulously selected. The deployment of your finest tradecraft is paramount, and a brush-up on your skills awaits at the esteemed Stiletto Spy Academy. Your ability to memorize three words each day will be paramount to your success.

Early arrival is imperative. Days before the gala, as the nation readies its celebration, shadowy figures and those seeking political leverage will embark on a voyage along the Hudson. While they revel in the festivities, your mission is to skillfully “de”brief” other attendees, distinguishing friend from foe.

What we’ve gleaned thus far suggests that the Chinese intelligence community has woven a web of blind drops, secret hideouts, and clandestine speakeasies, all concealed within the labyrinth of Manhattan. Additionally, intelligence hints at the strengthening of their alliance with Cuba through the Silk Road project, co-opting further agents to bolster their subversive agenda. Expect the unexpected.

Your objective: Uncover the intricate machinations behind China’s audacious escalation into the inner sanctums of the USA’s aeronautical industry and its most secure aerospace laboratories. Should you be caught or killed, The Group will disavow any knowledge of your endeavors.

May luck be your ally, Agents.

The shadows await your mastery.

Your passage on Thursday, July 4th has been discreetly arranged. A classic vessel awaits your arrival, positioned strategically on the Hudson River, ready to sail into the heart of the covert operation.

As your vessel glides toward the iconic Statue of Liberty, the mission will unfold like a well-choreographed dance of shadows. There will be no turning back for you and your assembled Erotic Mission Force (EMF). This is the moment to assemble your team, synchronize your watches, and prepare for a night where every ripple in the water could be a harbinger of the unknown.

The open water is an arena of uncertainty. Beware of nefarious scoundrels, underworld operatives, and unscrupulous femme fatales with ambiguous motives. They will be armed with the equipment necessary to navigate the murky waters of intrigue and get what they desire.

Stay vigilant, Agent. The night sky will illuminate with more than just the brilliance of fireworks. It will reveal the covert interplay of factions, alliances, and clandestine affairs.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Welcome to the heart of the concrete jungle. Your accommodations have been secured at the discreet rendezvous point known only to those with a keen eye for the shadows – a high-end hotel renowned for its silent alliances with the underworld and diverse international loyalties.

Your mission begins with a period of discreet arrival, affording you the time to blend seamlessly into the city’s pulse. Upon settling into your quarters, take a moment to rest and recalibrate. By evening, we expect you to be fully operational and ready to rendezvous with fellow agents of the Erotic Mission Force (EMF).

Your first contact awaits at a clandestine cocktail gathering. Sip carefully crafted concoctions as you exchange coded pleasantries with other agents. From there, you will receive further instructions leading you to an underground meeting place where high society converges with those who thrive on the currency of information.

The evening’s cover operation is a welcome dinner, meticulously crafted by a culinary virtuoso. This chef-tailored experience will unveil the highest echelons of Asian culinary mastery. Bring your jacket for the occasion, and provide your companion with something elegant and plunging. Cultivate your appetite – this multi-course affair, concealed beneath the labyrinthine of Manhattan, promises an unforgettable evening of intrigue and decadence.

Remember, discretion is paramount. Operatives are expected to blend seamlessly into the night, leaving no trace of their passage.

Proceed with caution, Agent. The city is our playground, and Operation Midnight Elegance awaits.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Morning – Covert Networking:
Embark on your day with the freedom to navigate Manhattan’s intricate landscape. Utilize this time to rekindle alliances with your Confidential Informants, gather intelligence, and subtly maneuver through the city’s intricate web.

The G-Spot Lounge:
Late morning unveils The G-Spot Lounge, a discreet rendezvous point for agents. Here, connect with fellow couples, share intelligence, and fortify your bonds before venturing into the urban metropolis.

Evening – Harbor Enigma:
As the sun sets, seamlessly blend into the city’s pulse. Your attire should be a fusion of elegance and functionality, a reflection of your readiness for any scenario. Whether on the dance floor, thwarting potential threats, or speeding away in a high-speed boat, be prepared for action at a moment’s notice.

Under the celestial canvas, the open water transforms into an arena of uncertainty, where every ripple conceals potential hazards. Your cocktail, once a mere refreshment, now harbors the potential for hidden revelations, and even your sustenance carries an element of risk. In these cautionary waters, be alert to the presence of Cuban nationals, threading through the shadows of the harbor’s mysteries.

May your senses remain sharp, and your wits even sharper. This is not just a celebration; we have named it Operation Midnight Independence, and the night holds secrets only the astute can decipher.

Agents, kindly be advised that transportation is not provided during your mission in Manhattan. As one of our elite operatives you are entrusted to navigate the city independently, showcasing your adept mastery of covert mobility.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Agents’ Training Day: July 5th Preparations

A mere day stands between you and The Secret Ball, and Stiletto Spy Academy stands ready to refine your skills for the impending mission. As the hour approaches, details will unfold as we secure them. Prepare to pack essentials: athletic wear, atheletic shoes, and, for utmost relaxation, muscle relaxers.

To shield your preparations from prying eyes, rendezvous with fellow agents at the discreet G-Spot Lounge throughout the day. Exchange coded pleasantries and glean valuable insights before the night’s covert maneuvers.

Evening Briefing – Cocktails and Dinner:
As the sun dips below the horizon, agents will once again convene for cocktails and a seemingly innocuous dinner. Yet, beneath the veneer of casual conversation lies the potential to uncover critical intelligence.

After-Dinner Assignment:
Following dinner, intel points to a meeting at another alcohol-fueled venue, a crucial juncture you must attend. Given the nature of the mission, the evening may extend into the late hours, so ensure you are well-rested before setting out.

Gear up, Agents, your training is paramount, and every interaction could be a piece in the puzzle of The Secret Ball.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


The moment is upon us, the crescendo of our endeavors—The Secret Ball. This exclusive black-tie affair, a gathering where only the most cunning thrive, offers a stage where strategic prowess may enthrall one’s prey. The band may be a facade, musicians harboring duplicity, and lyrics veiling codes. Be nimble, keep to the dance floor; let your muscles remain supple, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice.

The resources of The G-Spot Lounge and Stiletto Spy Academy stand at your disposal throughout the day, aiding in your preparations for the imminent mission.

However, the paramount directive is to conclude your mission before the first light of dawn. Coded messages hint that the focal point of your assignment is set to depart Teterboro under the shroud of the early morning sun.

At The Secret Ball:
Ensure your preparedness, be certain your tuxedo is pressed and that your partner is dressed to kill… quite literally.

Post-Mission Transition: Operation Midnight Elegance
Following The Secret Ball, allow the legendary Agent Provocateur to serve as your partner’s muse as she readies herself for the role that ensues.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Agents’ Debriefing: Sunday Brunch Extravaganza

Should you emerge triumphant from the night, deftly navigating challenges, accomplishing your mission, and gracefully retreating into the shadows with your faculties and elegance unscathed, it’s time to revel in your success. Convene with fellow victors at a farewell brunch; an occasion to exchange experiences, impart insights, and lay the foundation for potential future collaborations.

As the morning unfolds, savor the camaraderie forged during a night of covert mastery. Your achievements not only mark the present but also pave the way for future exploits. This brunch will become both a jubilant celebration and a tactical meeting point for the strategic minds among you.

Agents, accept our gratitude for a job impeccably executed. The triumph of this mission stands as a testament to your expertise, resilience, and steadfast dedication to The Group’s covert endeavors.

Agents, it is imperative that you comprehend the intricate web of global espionage, recent events, and the complex maneuvers executed by our adversaries. Last year’s shooting down of the Chinese spy balloon marked a pivotal moment in safeguarding our nation’s security.

This incident sheds light on the broader context of China’s covert activities on our soil. Liu Jianchao, China’s leading envoy and the mastermind behind Project Foxhunt—a global scheme to abduct and silence anti-Communist dissidents—emerges as a central figure in this covert drama. Project Foxhunt, ostensibly presented as a crackdown on corruption and illegal activities, may have served a dual purpose—providing a facade for bringing compromised spies back home.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent red-carpet reception for Liu Jianchao during his visit raises eyebrows. The significance of this diplomatic gesture cannot be underestimated, considering the historical context of the Chinese consulate, located at 520 12th Avenue, along the West Side Highway in New York City—a location that former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo once labeled a den of spies.

In unraveling the complexities of global espionage, it is crucial to recognize the strategic maneuvers and geopolitical implications. As our nation’s guardians, you must remain vigilant and well-informed. The recent events surrounding Liu Jianchao and Project Foxhunt illuminate the multifaceted nature of our adversaries’ operations.

This briefing concludes with a reminder of the ever-evolving landscape of global espionage. Your dedication and vigilance remain essential in the face of emerging challenges. Stay alert, Operatives, and continue to safeguard the interests of the United States of America.


  • Effortless Transition: All portage fees are seamlessly covered, ensuring your movements remain swift and discreet.
  • Epicurean Excellence: Savor elegant dinners each night, meticulously crafted to satiate the refined palates of operatives.
  • Financial Veil: A 3% transaction fee discreetly manages financial operations, safeguarding the integrity of your transactions.
  • Grand Culmination: Conclude your mission in style with a Sunday Farewell Brunch, a strategic rendezvous to compare notes and plan for the future.
  • Hospitality at Its Pinnacle: A 24% gratuity for hotel catering ensures discreet and impeccable service throughout your stay.
  • Libations Unveiled: Enjoy an open bar experience at the G-Spot Lounge, where clandestine conversations flow freely.
  • Seamless Connectivity: Complimentary internet access graces all Guest rooms, ensuring your operations remain well-connected.

Operatives, consider your payment options now:

  • Affirm
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • ACH Direct Debit
  • Visa, Mastercard & Amex
  • Auto-Bill Monthly Payments
  • Pay-By-Phone @ 843-817-2789
  • Link by Stripe: One-Click Payments

For Couples

Wednesday - Sunday

5 Days / 4 Nights

Social Events Only


Deluxe King


One Bedroom Suite


Grand Suite I (1,100 sqft)


Grand Suite II (1800 sqft)


Thursday - Sunday

4 Days / 3 Nights

Social Events Only


Deluxe King


One Bedroom Suite


Grand Suite I (1,100 sqft)


Grand Suite II (1,800 sqft)


Friday - Sunday

3 Days / 2 Nights

Social Events Only


Deluxe King


One Bedroom Suite


Grand Suite I (1,100 sqft)


Grand Suite II (1,800 sqft)


For Single Women

Wednesday - Sunday

5 Days / 4 Nights

Social Events Only


Deluxe King


One Bedroom Suite


Grand Suite I (1,100 sqft)


Grand Suite II (1,800 sqft)


Thursday - Sunday

4 Days / 3 Nights

Social Events Only


Deluxe King


One Bedroom Suite


Grand Suite I (1,100 sqft)


Grand Suite II (1,800 sqft)


Friday - Sunday

3 Days / 2 Nights

Social Events Only


Deluxe King


One Bedroom Suite


Grand Suite I (1,100 sqft)


Grand Suite II (1,800 sqft)



All payments are non-refundable, and trip insurance is strongly advised.  If you wish to cancel, we will consider your request. We may provide partial credit for some of your payment (trip insurance does not get refunded), minus a processing fee, at our sole discretion, considering many factors, including when you are canceling. We also may offer you, again at our sole discretion, the ability to transfer your payment to one of our future trips or dinners minus a transfer fee to be determined by us at that time.